smelling the roses

over the weekend we spent time with dear friends. friends you can hang out with & wear your pj's till mid morning kinds of friends! it was so good to be able to laugh & look through photo albums that documented the past 23 years of school days, camping trips, parties, weddings & birthdays. it was truly a time of smelling the roses {these home grown roses in their garden were amazing & smelt divine} & remembering how good it is to be amongst forever friends.


  1. sounds lovely & those roses are stunning!

  2. I miss those kinds of friends... I left them all behind when we moved to Australia.... Anyway, lovely picture!

  3. Oh yes, these are very special friends. All the history you would have between you is unforgettable.

    And the roses are stunning.

  4. Happy days & love the colour of those roses. xx

  5. That is a stunning photo! I love it! Roses are just the most divine flower... and I agree, it is nice to stop and smell the roses, literally and metaphorically speaking xo
