wordless wednesday : slow & steady

welcome to WW a time to celebrate images that don't need words, to enter please add your wordless blog post to the link below, link back to here & enjoy visiting some of the other entries. happy wednesday.


  1. love your photo!
    could you please delete no 4. i mad a mistake with the url. sorry & thanks so much for hosting!

  2. I love the simplicity of this pic. Living in an apartment in the city, it's been a long time since I've seen that sight. Another one of those wonders of nature I Hsve to be sure my little girls see.

  3. Great pic - the detail is fantastic!

  4. I really REALLY like this one!!

    Also feel free to delete #7, I may have botched my link! xx

  5. Oooo, I don't like those little critters in my vegie patch, but it's a top image!!! x

  6. Actually that is a very lovely reminder for us as sometimes being a mum and running a business feels like a mammoth task that is never complete...little bits lots ♥

  7. Great picture, and the rain over the weekend brought many snails out in our garden, so many that we were all out there collecting them so they wouldn't eat all our newly planted plants. Happy WW Sarah.

  8. That photo is fantastic!! We've been playing around with snails at our house too!

  9. Very clever shot, slow & steady , a nice idea and a reminder to us all..

    have a great week.

  10. such a cool picture
